Assistants: Giovanni Spaliviero (Italy) - Ousseini Thanou (Burkina Faso)

MY WELL - drinking water with a manual pump

Description: for a village of 1,000 - 1,500 people that does not have drinking water and is far from other sources of supply. Constitution of the Management Committee of the Well. Affixing of the donor's exclusive plaque.

Budget: € 7,500 for my well

GREEN GARDEN - the solar pump, irrigation and fence

Description: in the villages where there is already a manual well, the solar pump, the water castle, the drip irrigation and the fence, green vegetable garden.

Budget: € 8,000, of which:

  • € 4,000 for the solar pump
  • € 1,500 for the water castle
  • € 1,500 for drip irrigation
  • € 1,000 for the fence and gate

INTEGRATED PROJECT - well, solar pump, vegetable garden, school

Description: Well, solar pump, garden fenced and irrigated also with the drip system, extension of the school, construction of toilets in a village with at least 2,500 inhabitants and with the possibility of organizing two agricultural cooperatives. Affixing the plate of the donor (s).

Budget: € 50,000 integrated project

A TRUCK OF ONIONS 2 - three-wheeler and two-wheel tractor

Description: purchase of a medium-sized three-wheeler to transport the products to the market and a motor hoe to work more soil.

Budget: € 5,000

Pour les dons : IBAN: IT76 Q 02008 13201 000100894734   -   loghi pp fb  



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